Wednesday 20 July 2016

I was invited by Vidyarthimitra Vaidya M V Kolhatkar Pratishthan Pune; to deliver a guest lecture on the occasion of Gurupaurnima on 19-7-16.
The topic of the lecture was "Samhita Adhyayanache Vividha Pailu" .
I covered following points in the lecture -- Sanskrit, Vihar, Upaman-Drushtant, Vikrit Dosha Avastha, Vikrit Dhatu Avastha, Chikitsa Vaividhya and highlights of Sushrut Samhita. All these points were narrated with applied aspects.
Leading Practitioners from Pune and Mumbai, teaching faculty from various Ayurved colleges in vicinity of Pune and large number of students were present for the lecture.

All appreciated my lecture as - so much motivational, thought provoking and completely interpreting Ayurved as a 'Medical Science' in true sense!!